Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker Wiki
D.D. Giantess
D.D. Giantess
Creator groudondjango
Type(s) [ Machine/Normal ]
Level 8 Level2Level2Level2Level2Level2Level2Level2Level2
ATK / DEF 2850 / 3000
A very happy gigantic android that came from a Diffirent Dimension. Kozaky created it defeat Gogiga Gagagigo, but when D.D. Giantess was finished, it was already too late. She manages to escape to the first dimension and became friends with Eria.

D.D. Cards

D.D. Dragon - D.D. Giantess - D.D. Insanity Beast - D.D. Jinzo - D.D. King - D.D. Lammergeier - D.D. Life Support Cord - D.D. Magician - D.D. Necrobomb - D.D. Overlord - D.D. Paladin - D.D. Phoenix - D.D. Raptor - D.D. Rocket - D.D. Satellite - D.D. Scout Leader - D.D. Sniper - D.D. Sorcerer - D.D. Spirit - D.D. Targetmaster - D.D. Ultimate Beast - D.D. Warlord - D.D. Warmachine - D.D. Xyz Magician

Related Cards

D.D-Tour - D.D.R. - Different Dimension Ritual - D.D. Draw - D.D. Luck Blade - Different Dimension Magic - D.D. Ritual - Different Dimension Teleporter - D.D. World - Different Dimension World - Express Train to D.D. - Portable D.D. Generator
